Mental Health Workshops

Mother Hunger: Healing the Mother Wound

Mother Hunger is the deep wound experienced by women who had insufficient experiences of nurturing, protection and guidance from their mothers. The injury that results is often felt for a lifetime – a longing for unconditional love never experienced, relationship difficulties, challenging relationships with food and addictive behaviours. Mother hunger is not about blaming mothers, they were often under or over-mothered themselves. Yet the enduring pain and attachment loss can feel confounding and persistent for women from all walks of life.

The purpose of Healing the Mother Wound is to create a safe place where women can come together and begin to explore the deep pain that results when we are wounded by our mothers. We will also initiate the long journey back to yourself – to self love and self acceptance.

Mother Hunger was named and developed by therapist and author Kelly McDaniel. Kelly has been on the Red Table Talk with Jada Pinket Smith, her daughter and her mother to talk about Mother Hunger. Her book on the subject has resonated with so many women as they begin to look at this injury and find a way into recovery.

In this group, you will learn about what this deep injury is, how it came to be, and how we can begin to heal from it. In doing so, you begin to reclaim a part of yourself that has been lost.

This is a combination of psycho-educational and process groups and involves learning about Mother Hunger, sharing and relating with other women and some processing of the emotional wound. We will focus primarily on understanding Mother Hunger and mapping our road to recovery in the healing company of other women.


  • Location: Online
  • Investment: $720 upfront or $130/session CND (USD $530) (should qualify for insurance coverage under ‘group therapy’)
  • Structure: 6 weekly sessions, 2 hours each session
  • Dates: October 16, 23, 30, November 6, 13, 20 2024
  • Time: 4:00 pm MST – 6:00 pm MST
  • We want to make sure this is the right group for you. Please fill out the registration here.
  • This group is currently invite-only. If you are a new client and interested in future groups, please book a free 20-minute consultation here to discuss future programs and options. Some individual sessions may be required before acceptance into groups.
Mother Hunger Trained Facilitator Anne Klein
Anne Klein, M.A., CCC
Mother Hunger facilitator

Other Mental Health Groups:

Breaking Through: A Three-Part Workshop

When: Stay tuned for 2025 dates

mental health workshops

Course Description

Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? Do you have communication challenges in your relationship? Are you struggling to deal with people – your children, your spouse, your employees, or your friends?

This three-part workshop will teach you about yourself. Using concepts from Transactional Analysis you will learn about yourself, your personality, and how to deal with these challenges.

Session 1: It’s All About You

Learn about a model of your personality structure. This will explain those internal dynamics – that conversation with the “itty bitty shitty committee”, internal criticisms, resistance, as well as the positive stuff.

Session 2: What Happens with Others

In session 2, we bring this learning to apply to the other. How do you clash or connect with others? How, when, and why do our attempts at connections with others fail? How to communicate more effectively (tip: it’s vulnerable!)

Session 3: Introduction to Personality

We wrap up the workshop with an introduction to a model of personality that will give you insight into who in your life you struggle with and why, and how you can heal that relationship.