Live life joyfully.

Therapy can help you get unstuck.

We help people live life unreservedly through effective therapy. Discover your joy.

We believe that therapy is for everyone – you do not need to identify as having ‘mental health challenges’ to benefit from therapy. Therapy is a way to help you get unstuck from old patterns that no longer serve your highest purpose. Anxiety, depression, addiction, sleeping problems, infertility, career challenges, relationship difficulties, stress, grief and loss – we have all experienced something that feels unmanageable. Therapy can help you get unstuck and live joyfully and with purpose. We use Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) as our primary treatment modality.


We provide individual, couples, and group therapy. Change the internal dialogue that gets in the way of living your life with joy, unreservedly. Book a consult.


Upcoming workshops to help you in your personal development journey. Learn more about Healing the Mother Wound, new online group starts in October. Learn about Mother Hunger.

For Therapists

for therapists mountain on lake

Therapists need therapy, and it can be difficult to find the right fit. Learn more about Therapy for Therapists, Supervision and upcoming Training for Therapists. AIT Basics Seminar.

Did you know?

In 2018, roughly 5.3 million people in Canada mentioned they needed some help for their mental health in the previous year. Source: Statscan

People who benefit from therapy often:
  • Want to overcome anxiety or depression
  • Want a more fulfilling career or to solve difficulties with bosses or colleagues
  • Want to create fulfilling relationships – in friendship, marriage, partnership or work
  • Want to let go of hopelessness or apathy, or wish to answer questions like ‘Who am I?’ or ‘How did I get here?’
  • Want to sleep and wake up restful and restored
  • Want to enjoy work and let go of overworking and feeling stressed
  • Desire to stop struggling with addictions – to alcohol and drugs, sex, exercise or work

As Seen In

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I really need therapy?

Life can be difficult sometimes. Stress is abundant and there are increasing pressures on the average person – to perform, succeed and generally crush life. Sometimes that can all add up, and end up crushing you. Therapy gives you an independent person to talk to, someone who will support you to find your own solutions. This feels more empowering than hearing everyone’s opinions and advice, which is what you might be getting from friends or family.

Therapy is different. And we can all use someone who is firmly on our side. Book a consult to see if Therapy for People is the right place for you to start healing now.

How do I choose a therapist?

The helping professions can be complex to navigate. There are Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Counsellors, Social Workers, and Clinical Social Workers. To complicate matters further, everyone seems to offer a different modality – CBT, Solutions Focused, Trauma-informed, IFS, Gestalt, AIT, DBT – what the heck are they talking about?

Guess what – the most important factor when choosing a therapist is this – do you like them? You are going to be talking about difficult stuff, and feeling difficult feelings, you need someone who feels trustworthy to you and whom you think you can really talk to. Numerous long-term studies have shown that what helps people change in therapy is the healing attachment relationship they experience with their therapist. Shop around, get consults and trust your instincts.

What kind of commitment do I need to make?

Healing in therapy often takes time – don’t forget, you are re-wiring your brain and learning to regulate your nervous system. It took years and plenty of experiences to get you where you are now, give yourself even a fraction of that time to change how you think and feel in therapy. Starting with 10 sessions is a good start.

At Therapy for People, we encourage people to come weekly for the first 4 sessions. This gets you started and helps avoid the feeling that you are restarting at every session. Building a strong relationship with your therapist is the first task in therapy. Often people who have bigger challenges, or a more difficult past to recover from need longer – sometimes up to a year or longer. However, your commitment is ultimately your decision, and you can come as long or as short as you wish.

This is a free, 20-minute consult

Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakens

Carl Jung

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters

By Poria Nelson

Chapter 1

I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost…I am helpless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter 2

I walk down the street. there is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend that I don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I am in this same place. But, it isn’t my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter 3

I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in…it’s a habit…but, my eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.

Chapter 4

I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.

Chapter 5

I walk down another street.